



GAMEBREAKER User Agreement

Site - an Internet resource located on the Internet at the address gamebreaker.ru The Site, depending on the context, also means the software of the Site, the design (graphic design) of the Site, the Database of the Site, any section and subsection thereof, as well as information placed on the Site by the Site Administration. Site Administration - a person who owns all relevant exclusive property rights to the Site or Auxiliary Applications, including the rights to the domain name of the Site, and who administers the Site. User - a person who has purchased the Product and completed the registration procedure, received an individual login and password, and has his/her own Profile. For the purposes of the User Agreement, User also means a person who has not purchased the Product, but who accesses and/or uses and/or has used the Site or the Supporting Application. Any person accessing the Site or the Auxiliary Application automatically confirms that he/she is in full compliance with the provisions of the User Agreement and the License Agreement and that he/she is subject to the requirements set forth in these agreements. User's profile or Profile - a special subsection of the Site where personal information about the User is located, as well as other information that can be posted only by this User. Information - any information, messages, data, regardless of the form of their presentation, posted by the User on the Site, including: personal data of Users, links to other sites, any text messages, photos (images), audio and/or video works, computer programs, etc. files. Database is an objective form of providing and organizing aggregate data, systematized in such a way that this data can be found and processed with the help of hardware and software and technical means of the Site or the Auxiliary Application. Spam - mass, unauthorized and/or unexpected by recipients mailings and other mailings of advertising, informational, propaganda or other nature. Any terms and concepts used in the Agreement and not reflected in the “Terms and Definitions” section will be interpreted in accordance with the meaning derived from the text of the User Agreement or License Agreement. In the event of any disagreement regarding the interpretation of a term and/or concept used in the User Agreement or License Agreement, the interpretation determined by the Administration will apply.

Terms and definitions

This User Agreement and License Agreement (hereinafter and earlier referred to as the Agreement or Agreements) sets forth the terms and conditions of use of the Site or the Auxiliary Application. Access to the Site or the Auxiliary Application, use of the Site or the Auxiliary Application and/or performance of any other actions on the Site or the Auxiliary Application by the User means that the User accepts and undertakes to comply with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Registration of the User on the Site is possible only upon the User's confirmation of acceptance of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended by the Administration at any time without any special notice. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its publication on the Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

Subjects and general provisions of the User and License Agreements

Information about the User, located in his Profile, contains (may contain) his personal data. When processing Users' personal data, the Website Administration undertakes to take all organizational and technical measures to protect them from unauthorized access in a manner not provided for by the Website or the Auxiliary Application. However, it is possible that as a result of a failure in the operation of the Site or the Auxiliary Application, virus or hacker attack, technical failures and other circumstances, the personal data of Users may become available to other persons. The User understands this and agrees that he will not make claims to the Administration in this regard, given that he makes his personal data publicly available. By virtue of this Agreement, by indicating his personal data on the Site, the User unconditionally agrees: with the processing of personal data by the Administration; with other actions of the Administration in respect of such data in connection with the operation of the Site or the Auxiliary application. By placing his/her personal data on the Site, the User confirms that he/she does so voluntarily, and that he/she voluntarily provides this Information to the Administration for processing. The Administration processes only those personal data of the User that were posted by the User on the Website or processed by the Auxiliary Application. The purpose of processing Users' personal data is to compile the User Database. The User's personal data is processed using software, hardware and technical means. User's personal data are processed by the Administration during the period of their placement on the Website or in the Auxiliary Application. If the personal data posted on the Website or User Profile is deleted, the Administration stops processing it. However, the Administration has the right to retain an archived copy of the above User's data for an indefinite period of time. Processing of the User's personal data by the Administration is carried out for the purposes of functioning of the Website/Auxiliary Application and their processing itself may not entail any negative consequences for the User. In this case, the Administration is not responsible for the use of personal data of Users by other persons. The User undertakes not to place personal data of other persons on the Site, as well as not to use personal data of other Users in any way that does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, for illegal or unlawful purposes, for profit and any other purposes that do not correspond to the purposes of creating the Site or the Auxiliary Application.

Personal data of the User

The User agrees not to distribute the GAMEBREAKER Product on the Internet or any other place where digital information may be stored. As a condition of use, the User agrees not to use the GAMEBREAKER Product for any purpose that is unlawful or in violation of the Agreement. User shall not reverse-engineer, analyze, modify, etc. Our products, as well as the transfer of their authorization data (login and password) and resale of the product to third parties. In order to prevent the distribution of the Product on the Internet, we use binding of the Product to a computer, which makes it impossible to run the Product on other or multiple computers. The Product will only run on the computer on which it was first launched. ( Within this paragraph: replacing any internal devices of the computer is the same as running the Product on another computer )- Any violation of the rules is punishable by infinite subscription blocking or any other way of punishment without violating the terms of the Agreement and the User's rights. - The site administration has the right to store and process confidential information of the User: computer name, ip-address and any other possible information about the User, which is not personal data of the User (like passwords and files on the User's computer), but may be Personal Data of the User (defined by the terms of this Agreement). - All possible consequences of the use of the Auxiliary applications User assumes. The Administration does not bear any responsibility for the possible consequences of the use of Auxiliary applications. - User agrees to send anonymous statistics in order to improve the quality of the product. - You purchase and use the software at your own risk. - Undetected status does not guarantee 100% protection from blocking (with any software in any game a ban is possible). - If there is an update in the game, wait for the software update. - By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that in case of detection or complete closure of the project you will not receive a refund! As well as exchange for another product! By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that in case of blocking the game account you will not receive a refund! - By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that the exchange of the key for another program (game) is impossible under any circumstances! - By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that if you bought the wrong product, you will not receive a refund, as well as exchange for another product! - By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that if the characteristics of the PC (system) does not match our description, you will not get a refund! - By purchasing this software, you agree to the rule that if the technical requirements written by us are not met, you will not receive a refund! - By purchasing this software, you agree to the rule that if you change (delete) the functions of the software, you will not receive a refund! - By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule that there is no freezing of subscription time at your request! (freezing is provided only for the time of software update)- By purchasing this software, you agree with the rule, according to which you agree that you may have to reinstall the operating system! - All rights to modify and distribute the Product belong to GAMEBREAKER.